Sunday Worship


Come as you are and worship with us!

We invite you to worship with us at the Wilde Lake Interfaith Center in Columbia at 10:30 AM each Sunday. Everyone is encouraged but not required to wear masks and sit socially distanced.

Here’s what to expect on Sunday mornings:

  • Our service typically lasts 60-75 minutes.
  • A short children’s moment and prayer.
  • Communion is served the first Sunday of each month. Bread (both regular and gluten-free) and individual servings of grape juice are offered. ALL are invited to the meal.
  • Music! Lift your voice to the Lord along with the SJU choir and instrumentalists. Our Cameroonian brothers and sisters occasionally provide special music, as well.
  • There is no dress code. Please wear what is comfortable to you.

If you or a member of your household has COVID symptoms or has tested positive for COVID or had close contact with someone who has tested positive in the last ten days, please join our worship via livestream. Livestream is also a great way to worship with the SJU church family if you are traveling or simply more comfortable at home! And, feel free to share the link with others who might want to attend online.