Our Story

Our Vision

We are a progressive, inclusive Christian community, strengthened by the diversity of our members and our faith traditions, that comes together to worship God, to further spiritual growth, and to minister to each other, the community and the world through active Christian involvement.

Our Mission

    • To worship God;
    • To support and nurture each other;
    • To provide a foundation for our spiritual life;
    • To empower our members in ministry;
    • To celebrate our diversity and promote inclusiveness for all;
    • To partner with and advocate for victims of social injustice;
    • And to share the good news of Jesus Christ and invite others to do the same.

Our Covenant

In our founding covenant we affirm our belief:

That God is the power of on-going creativity;
That God created the world and is creating the world;
That God’s spirit of creativity and love is in us, calling us to be co- creators with him; that Jesus Christ was fully God and fully human —
God’s love present among people, our highest example of the power of reconciliation;
That the Church of Jesus Christ is people-wherever they find themselves-in the Service of love to their fellow human beings;
That, as struggling, questing Christians, we are accepted by God, and are called to accept each other;

We, therefore, covenant together as members of the congregation of St. John United Church:

To commit ourselves to an on-going search for Christian meaning in life through participation in continuing Christian Education,
through creative involvement in Christian social action, and through worship-the corporate celebration of our oneness.
To commit ourselves as lay ministers to the task of engaging with God for humanity through this local expression of the Church of Jesus Christ.


The cross represents more than Christ’s death to us – it is the symbol of life and hope and a “picture” of his human form. Our cross, designed and made by Ed Bridge of the weathered siding of an old barn that had stood on land where Columbia was to be built, shows Christ with his arms outstretched, beckoning us to “come unto him.”